Coastal Cleanup and Eco Brick Making for Water Awareness Month
Still in line with the month long celebration of Water Awareness Month this March as well as the continuation of the Global World Water Day Celebration, the combined eco-forces of Metro Iloilo Water District, Metro Iloilo Bulk Water Supply Corporation and Metro Pacific Iloilo Water, together with the LGU Oton and the Local Barangay Officials joined together to rid the shoreline of Poblacion East, Oton of plastic wastes and converting them into eco-bricks with a Coastal Cleanup Program.
The Coastal Cleanup Program’s aim was to collect all the plastic wastes littering about the shoreline of Poblacion East, Oton. Throughout the whole morning, the MPIW, MIB and MIWD, guided by the Local Barangay Officials and the MENRO Office of Oton were able to collect a total of 140 kilos of plastic wastes along the long stretch of the beach: a significant amount of plastic that will never see the ocean again.
The collected plastic wastes were segregated and once the appropriate kinds of plastics were separated from the lot, the selected plastics were tightly compacted into plastic PET bottles which the participants also brought with them. The very tightly compacted plastic bottles were then weighed for the appropriate weight and turned over to the Provincial Environment and Natural Resources so that they can be used as “eco-bricks”, or building bricks for houses for designated recipients.