MIWD with JBLFMU donates Rainwater Catchment and Food Packs: Sto Nino Arevalo
January 13, 2021 — MIWD, JBLFMU, local communities of Sto. Nino Arevalo and MIB turn over rainwater catchments, distributes large water drums and food packs to residents and Barangay halls of Sto Nino Arevalo.
Management and staff from the John B. Lacson Foundation Maritime University, Metro Iloilo Water District, local communities in Sto. Nino Arevalo, Metro Iloilo Water District, and Metro Iloilo Bulk Water Supply Corporation engage in the turn-over and distribution of rainwater catchment unit materials for Sto. Nino Arevalo. The catchment units can fill up to ten large water drums, also provided for by the MIWD. The rainwater catchment units were designed by the MIWD in partnership with the MIB as a climate mitigation solution to the ever-shifting climate brought on by global warming.
JBLCF and MIWD staff were on hand for the distribution of large water storage drums and turn over of rainwater catchment units to the recipient Barangays halls in St. Nino Sur and Norte, Arevalo. Each large drum can hold up to 200 liters of water and are ideal for storing water for emergency use.
Aside from the large water drums being distributed, food packs for recipient families were also being given by way of assistance owing to these trying pandemic-riddled times.
Around 35 recipient residents from Sto Nino Sur availed of the food packs, while 30 were those for the residents of Sto Nino Norte, while a total of 80 large water storage drums were distributed to recipient families from each Barangays.
The distribution activity was preceded by the formal MOA signing between the management of Metro Iloilo Water District and John B. Lacson Foundation Maritime University, set earlier in the day.